Join us on our “Artistic Landscapes” of Maryland Tour
Why bother?
If you don’t enjoy unique & artistic landscaping, then you probably would not be here. This tour includes some of our most original and natural landscape design projects in Maryland. The scope of these jobs run from an average backyard design..., to a million dollar, multi-acre masterpiece (granted we’re a little biased- but we think you’ll agree).
The fact is that we have a little something for everybody. No matter what the scale, the quality is still the same on every project. The tour will give you lots of ideas; most likely some artistic concepts that you’ve never seen before.
And really... It’s just plain fun!
What will you SEE on the TOUR??? (Scroll Down)
Natural Ponds & Water Features:
Beautiful, natural... REALISTIC ponds, waterfalls, pondless waterfalls...
We’ve taken many a trip... tax write-off ;-) ... to the mountains to perfect our natural water feature designs, and spent many a year constructing high quality, low maintenance systems.
The photos are just a tease!... You gotta see em!... hear em... Heck- GET IN EM
Our own “Living Retaining Walls”
What are they? Well..., the simple answer is we use native boulders to turn the mundane retaining wall into an artistic rock garden.... and... THEY ARE STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS!!!
Here’s what happens... We make the wall the focal point as opposed to something to hide.
Specialized plantings (low maintenance) are placed in pockets created during installation to help soften and create an aesthetically pleasing “Living Retaining Wall”.
Environmental Green Walls
Environmentally speaking, Living Retaining Walls are the only systems that promote transpiration which helps to regulate air quality..., AND..., the plants are key elements in protecting our rivers and streams by “nutrient uptake”- plants consume the nutrients (phosphorus + nitrogen in bay = BAD) as a food source.
In urban areas, Green Walls also reduce energy consumption by countering the warming effects of masonry surfaces. Our walls also recharge groundwater supplies and help to protect lakes and streams from polluted run off... and...
Environmental * Sustainable Landscapes *
Rain Water Harvesting in Maryland
The picture on the right shows our artistic approach to rain water harvesting. The pond captures all the rain water from the roof of the house.
You’ll notice there are no gutters (why ruin a beautiful home). We create dry riverbeds (stunning!) to capture the roof water, pipe the water to the filtration pond shown, and then pipe the water to our larger irrigation pond that waters the entire 15 acre landscape.
The result is a beautiful sustainable landscape which conserves water, and protects the bay.
BTW... this was the guest house... yikes!!!
This is a picture of the waterfront side of the “guest house” above; the view from the home office window. We will show you how we can take a steep slope problem ... and turn it into a Living Retaining Wall & rain water harvesting feature.
We can use small ponds like this one to capture water from the roof, property, etc..., and use it to irrigate the surrounding landscaping plant beds (and why not supply a beautiful waterfall, pond, or pondless waterfall in the process???)
Creative Storm Water management Ponds
Storm water management ponds in Maryland are a disaster. The knowledge is not there within the governing bodies to design these ponds properly. Many residential buildings are looking right over their Cesspools..., I mean ponds.
Unfortunately, many folks purchased a unit before the “POND” ... (That’s what they call it before or during construction)... was finished, and the “POND VIEW”(more expensive unit)..., was part of their imagination. What was supposed to be an asset and a selling feature, soon became a HUGE detraction, a weed infested swamp. (Did we mention the wonderful smell to go along with your view???)
Come see how We design them in such a way that they’re not only functional, but they’re also a healthy and attractive asset, a “showcase” for the community..., like they told you it would be before you bought the “waterfront view.”.
Creative Waterfront Solutions in Maryland
Waterfront landscaping in Maryland presents many challenges, from pervious material limitations to buffer management plans. Creative Land Design specializes in not only designing Maryland waterfront projects, we focus on the approval process as well.
Our designs take into account existing buffer management requirements. We have developed unique programs to address these challenges. Our goal is to protect Maryland’s waterways through the creative use of native plants, without sacrificing aesthetics. In lieu of commercial looking retaining walls, we protect the beauty of our shorelines with our own “Living Retaining Walls” as shown in the picture above.
Did you know that a rain water harvestingtrench can exist under that gravel walk, thereby capturing ALL the water from the property, and either piping it into an irrigation system, or just letting it infiltrate the ground... either way... we stay out of the bay!!! (Betchya didn’t know that).
Custom Natural Swimming Pools
There is more on the tour, but we’ll end here with some unique swimming pool designs. If you’re not interested by now... WHAT’s WRONG WITH YOU!!? (just kidding).
We believe the swimming pool should be part of the landscape design, not a separate entity.
This is done by creating plant pockets adjacent to the pool, and possibly introducing rocks & waterfalls or other features that marry the landscape to the pool.
An in-ground swimming pool can even be made to look like a natural pond or a lagoon.
A few more pics...
That about does it! We’d love to have you join us for a “fun” Saturday tour..., some beautiful landscapes, natural water features, sustainable landscapes, unique Living Retaining Walls, waterfront buffer designs, custom natural swimming pools etc.
The only problem is if you’re like me..., you won’t want to leave some of these places, as they definitely represent our motto: “Let us send you on vacation without you ever having to leave home.”
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Oh yeah, perhaps you’re not interested in joining us for some reason. Again..., what’s wrong with you? you should see your doctor (Kidding again). Maybe you don’t have the time?
We have something for you too. You might be interested in receiving links to our “project videos” so you can see some of these jobs on your own schedule.
Hey..., that’s okay. We’ll miss having you, it’s not the same as being there, but we understand how it goes. Just check the box above marked “New project video links” ... and we’ll send you the links to the videos so you can view them on your own schedule.