Maryland Rock Garden Pictures (Rockscaping)
Welcome to the Creative Land Design Rockscaping photo gallery. The pictures you see above are all photos of rock gardens that we have created in the Maryland area over the last 25 years. It is always our goal in landscape design and installation to provide unique services that set us apart from the crowd. We feel that our Rockscaping division shines in this regard.
Our use of boulders in the landscape has landed us a unique niche in the landscaping market. Our customers appreciate our craftsmanship, and our ability to create rock gardens that appear to have evolved naturally. Like many of our landscape features, Rockscaping is an art from to us, and we enjoy the whole creative process.
There are several keys to the natural appearance revealed in the rock garden pictures above. The layout of course comes first. We’ve spent many years learning how to inject rocks into the terrain in a way that creates that “been there forever” look. It takes allot of time & effort to create this look. We believe it is time well spent. Planting is key! The best Rockscaping layout is a template. If the template is not filled with the right choice of plant material, the effect can be lost.
Please browse our pictures of Maryland Rockscapes below, and E-mail us with any comments that you have.